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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions, if you do not see your inquiry below please do not hesitate to contact us.

How do I become a John Brandi Co. Customer?

Please contact a John Brandi Co customer service representative by calling our toll free number 1-800-562-9135 or via email. We will guide you through the process so you can begin ordering from John Brandi Co immediately.

How do I place an order?

You may place orders by calling our toll free number 1-800-562-9135 or via fax 631-319-6857 or email

How do I request a visit from a sales representative?

Please contact us and we would love to match you with a member of Religious Art’s excellent sales team.

What is your return policy?

We handle all returns, credits & replacements on an individual basis. Please contact a customer service representative and instructions will be provided. We aim to make sure each circumstance is handled to our customer’s complete satisfaction.